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Audrey II

 This project was an attempt at creating a whole scene that told a story. In this scene an alien spaceship landed and leaked radioactive waste which mutated nearby potted plants. I really enjoyed this scene and would like to create more complete scenes in the future. 


Suburban Perspective

 This project was an attempt creating a 2D rendering of a photograph I found of a modern suburban house. I tried to replicate the houses but changed the background and added some familiar elements with the trees, clouds, birds, sun, etc. I had a lot of fun doing this piece and am proud of the results.


Bedroom Nighttime Scene

 This project was to create a bedroom scene that had the city lights casting in to illuminate the room, otherwise in pitch black. I like the results I got from this exercise, If I were to do it again I would fix the dimensions on the buildings below and add more variety to it.

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